Wednesday, September 24, 2008


TV host ELLEN DeGENERES has urged the people of California to support the fight to keep the U.S. state’s gay marriage laws active.The lesbian funnywoman spoke out against the Proposition 8 bill - a high-level state vote in the upcoming November (08) elections to make same-sex marriages constitutionally illegal in California.Gay marriages were legalised in the state in May (08) and DeGeneres and partner Portia De Rossi married last month (Aug08) under the new law.And the star believes the upcoming vote should be ignored, because it is "confusing".She writes on her official blog, "There’s a California Proposition on the ballot that’s a little confusing. It’s Proposition 8. It’s called, "The California Marriage Protection Act" - but don’t let the name fool you. It’s not protecting anyone’s marriage. Not yours. Not mine."The wording of Prop 8 is tricky. It’s like if someone asked you, "You don’t want dessert, right?" But you do want dessert so you say, "Yes," which really means you don’t want dessert. And if you say, "No," which means you do want dessert - it sounds like you don’t. Either way, you don’t get what you want.See - confusing. Just like Prop. 8."So, in case I haven’t made myself clear, I’m FOR gay marriage. And in order to protect that right - please VOTE NO on Proposition 8. And now that you’re informed, spread the word. I’m begging you. I can’t return the wedding gifts I love my new toaster." Brad Pitt and Steven Spielberg have both donated $100,000 (£54,000) to gay rights activists who are campaigning against Proposition 8.