Monday, September 29, 2008


BRITNEY SPEARS’ paparazzo ex ADNAN GHALIB is attempting to cash in on his relationship with the singer - by selling off a sex tape allegedly featuring the star.The British snapper dated Spears on and off for several months during the last year (07/08), and claims to be in possession of raunchy video footage in which she wears nothing more than a pink wig.The two-hour long tape was allegedly recorded while the couple was on vacation in Mexico, just days after Spears was hospitalised following a stand off with Los Angeles police when she refused to hand back her sons to ex-husband Kevin Federline after a scheduled visit.And according to the U.K.’s Heat magazine, Ghalib is now looking to make money from his time with Spears - but will only go into detail about the supposed sex tape for "the right price".He says, "There is such a tape, but I won’t discuss prices for hypothetical enquiries. Unless there is a locked-in deal, I will go no further."